A continuación encontrará el programa de las actividades planeadas para los dos dÃas de Conferencia.
DÃa 1, Viernes
2025, 30 de Mayo
08:15. Registro de participantes. Se realizará en el ‘hall’ en la entrada del hotel y en el área indicada (ACAN 2025). Personal de la conferencia y del hotel estarán disponibles para asegurar un proceso de de registro ágil y sosegado.
9:00. Apertura ACAN 2025.
9:30. Bernhard Wandernoth – “Current improvements and future of ILF Neurofeedback“.
10:00. Roxana and Meike – “Clinical update and a deeper dive into the arousal model“.
11:00. Descanso 1 (30 minutos).
11:30. Horst Schneider.
12:30. Nesplora: A milestone in ADHD assessment.
13:30. Almuerzo.
14:30. Sebern Fisher.
15:30. Roxana Sasu – “The use of algorithms in protocol decision-making: wishful thinking or reality? “.
16:00. Descanso 2 (30 minutos).
16:30. Siegfried Othmer.
17:30. John Clark.
18:00. Fin del dÃa 1.
20:00. Cena de la conferencia.
DÃa 2, Sábado
2025, 31 de Mayo
09:00. Aaron Gardner – “Combining Both Cygnet ILF HD Training and Cygnet Hz HD Training in the Same Neurofeedback Session“.
09:30. Dawn Harris – “NFB and Menopause“.
10:00. Dawn Harris – “NFB and Psychosis“.
10:30. Henning and Lene Laugesen – “Case study: Full recovery from psychotic depression aften one week neurofeedback“.
11:00. Descanso 1 (30 minutos).
11:30. Meike Wiedemann – “What to do if the client is not following the Neurofeedback textbook?“.
12:00. Kasia McCartney – “Neurofeedback For Functional Neurological Disorder with Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures: A Case Study“.
12:30. Carmen de la Sierra – “Electroencephalography and Event Related Potentials in Adopted Children and Adoolescents: A Clinical and Neurophysiological Approach“.
13:30. Almuerzo.
14:30. Jette Myglegaard – “ Integrating neurofeedback within families with children having severe disabilities“.
15:00. Ioana Ciubotarescu – “NFB and TPS for severe Depression“.